There is no one more deserving to be put behind bars than this man, for the ruse he’s pulled on the American people. What he’s done to America is nothing short of criminal in nature. He’s done more to destroy what this nation has built up in the last 60 years. We haven’t seen this kind of danger to the American dream in our entire history.
We art witnessing obstruction of justice and conspiracy to defraud America by killing its government. Where is our Congress? Why the hell don’t they impeach this bastard and re-open our government. Put his ass in jail…NOW!
Jared Kushner;
“Kushner has said he had four meetings with Russians during the 2016 campaign and presidential transition, and says that none of those Russian contacts were improper.[4] He works in the White House based on an interim security clearance, having yet to pass a comprehensive background investigation.[5]“
“In June 2016 an agent of Emin Agalarov reportedly offered Donald Trump Jr., Kushner’s brother-in-law, compromising information on Hillary Clinton from the Russian government if he met with a lawyer connected to the Kremlin.[78] A meeting took place on June 9, 2016, and included Kushner, Trump Jr., and Paul Manafort, who was then chairman of the presidential campaign, who met with Natalia Veselnitskaya at Trump Tower.[79] According to Rinat Akhmetshin, who was also present at the meeting, Veselnitskaya claimed to have evidence of “violations of Russian law by a Democratic donor”, and that the “Russian lawyer described her findings at the meeting and left a document about them with Trump Jr. and the others”.[80] The Democratic National Committee cyber attacks were revealed later that week.[78]“
“In December 2016, U.S. intelligence officials who were monitoring Kislyak reportedly overheard him relaying to Moscow a request from
How Trump’s propaganda…
Kushner to establish a “secret and secure communications channel” with the Kremlin using Russian diplomatic facilities. Kislyak reportedly was “taken aback by the suggestion of allowing an American to use Russian communications gear at its embassy or consulate – a proposal that would have carried security risks for Moscow as well as the Trump team”.[81][82]“
“In July 2017 Kushner appeared before both the House and Senate intelligence committees in closed session as part of their investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.[83] He also released a public statement.[84] In October 2017 the Senate Judiciary Committee requested numerous documents from Kushner. Kushner’s attorneys gave the committee many documents on November 3, but the committee followed up on November 16 with a request for many additional documents it said had not been produced.[85]“
Ivanka Trump
” Starting in late March 2017, she began serving in her father’s presidential administration. She assumed this official, unpaid position after ethics concerns were raised about her having access to classified material while not being held to the same restrictions as a federal employee.[4][5] She was considered part of the president’s inner circle[6]even before becoming an official employee in his administration.”
“On February 9, 2017, Presidential Adviser Kellyanne Conway controversially encouraged Fox News viewers to purchase Trump’s retail products.[35] In June 2017, three people with the organization called China Labor Watch were arrested by Chinese authorities while investigating Huajian International, which makes shoes for several American brands, including the Ivanka Trump brand. The Trump Administration has called for their release.[36][37]“
“Artists whose work has been collected by Ivanka Trump have protested to her directly following her father’s election victory. In January 2017, artist Richard Prince returned a $36,000 payment he received for a work featuring Ivanka and disavowed its creation.[73]Other artists joined behind a movement created by the Halt Action Group called @dear_ivanka, which aimed to change Trump’s policies by appealing to Ivanka.[74] Among its supporters were contemporary artist Alex Da Corte who told Trump to stay away from his paintings after she appeared in front of one on a social media post.[75][74]“
This son of the world biggest conman has learned from the best, earning him a room adjoining his fathers. They just won’t be able to talk to each other. If anyone other than the master himself deserves a private cell more than this one, I wish someone could point it out to me.
Veselnitskaya meeting
On June 9, 2016, Trump Jr. attended a meeting arranged by publicist Rob Goldstone on behalf of Azerbaijani-Russian businessman Emin Agalarov.[25] The meeting was held in Trump Tower in Manhattan, between three members of the 2016 Donald Trump presidential campaign: Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, her translator Anatoli Samochornov, Russian-American lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, and Ike Kaveladze, a Georgian-American, U.S.-based senior vice president at Crocus Group, the real estate development company run by Aras Agalarov.[25]
Approximately a year later, Trump Jr. initially told the media that adoption of Russian children was the main subject of the meeting.[26] On July 8, 2017, Trump Jr. tweeted his email exchange with Goldstone. It revealed that Trump Jr. had agreed to attend the meeting with the understanding he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, which he considered opposition research.[27][better source needed] Goldstone also wrote in one of Trump Jr.’s publicly-disclosed emails that the Russian government was involved.[27] Robert Mueller, the special counsel of the Department of Justice in charge of Russia-related investigations, is investigating the emails and the meeting.[28] Although the White House lauded Trump Jr. for his transparency, he released the e-mails only after The New York Times had informed him that they had them and were going to publish a story about them.[29]