I heard that there was a State of the Union Address yesterday. From what I’ve heard of it, I’m glad I missed it. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t listen to it. I have an aversion to listening to liars who can never tell the truth and I can’t believe anything this President says, ever. Listening to this man raises my blood pressure to dangerous levels and I suspect that I’m not the only one this happens to. If you are one of those who can pick the truth out of all the BS he spouts, I salute you. I commend you for your steadfastness to cling on to a losing cause. Diligence is something to be commended for, but in this case, it’s threatening our freedoms. It may even be threatening our existence. If you still are sold on the idiocy this master con-man has displayed, you need to open your eyes to what’s really happening and not what you want to happen.
Evidence has been accumulating for more than 13 years on this investigation on certain people in the Trump Campaign (Paul Manafort) and it shows his involvement with foreign powers to influence other elections around the world. Why would that not happen here? As Xandar Cage of “XXX” said “Dope it out”, there’s something dirty goin’ on in the White House and it started, probably, well more than 13 years ago when this investigation started in 2004.
Check the timeline of the investigation. This is what Republicans are afraid of and why they’re trying to discredit this investigation. It’s in a Trump plan, from the beginning to sow discord and contempt for our fellow man. Donald J Trump definitely was not a Boy Scout. He probably would have been kicked out if had tried to be. Now he’s doing his unlevel best to subject all of us to his idiocracy.
I have to wonder how much does this party need to prove to them that who they are following, is going to lead them into an abyss they’ll never be able to climb out of. For everything good that every President has done over the last 50 years was just outdone in a destructive manner that will reverberate through the halls of Congress, decades to come. This may be the beginning of the end for the Republican party. The party my family’s belonged to for as long as I can remember.
The way this party is acting right now, I can’t be part of. This is the definition of corruption and it starts at the top. That’s what scares me and it scares me immensely. I can’t say how much this scares me because it’s downright dangerous that our President respects a foreign adversary more than he respects he own government that he’s in charge of. If you can’t see the danger in this, you’re not American. My guess is you’re another Russian mole. If Trump’s your man, this to you I’ll hand. my words of grand to replace his words of sand intent on lessening our great land.
This may well be a Russian ruse of epic proportions to tear the United States apart at the seams, and unfortunately, very unfortunately, it seems to be working. The ruse that’s behind this ruse is displayed below in my three books about the glucose ruse, the deadliest scourge to hit mankind, ever.
The Glucose Ruse
Listed below is the other ruse, the glucose ruse that’s killing over 2000 people each and every day in America. It’s costing Americans even more. This ruse has cost us more in lives, dollars lost to medical care and medicines, times lost from work, that it has become the largest and costliest scourge set on mankind.
Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
Extended Details of Tainted Food: