The Ignorance of Trumpidiocracy is Irreparably Damaging Our Only Democracy

Can You Believe a Pathological Liar?
Do You?

This President’s actions of late have demonstrated his indebtedness to Russia.

The question we all should be asking ourselves is how much longer can we afford to allow this to continue? How secure do you feel? What control does Russia, have over this man?

It’s time we started speculating, just like the president likes to, about his motives. I fully suspect them. But then, I always have. Ever since his involvement in Beauty Pageants, where he was open to influence from multiple sources. Who knows what or who, got into his head. Would you like to hazard a guess?

How will history see this President? History will deem him to be the absolute most dishonest, deceiving, and despicable President we’ve ever elected. History will prove the true ignorance in the Trumpocracy that this man spouts and could show him to be the real anti-christ. Everything he says and does prove this. The saddest part of this story is that most everyone knows this. He seems to be the only one who doesn’t. Donald Drumpf is not my President, nor yours if you’re a true Christian. Nor is Donald Trump. Neither one is a god to me and if he is to you, all I can do for you is to pity you. (But not like I pity him. I can’t pity him as he chooses to remain ignorant, rude and belligerent, simply because he’s never grown to adulthood, mentally.) He probably never will as he has no opportunity to. He’s never had an opportunity to grow. All of his opportunities that he’s had has only allowed him to stagnate because they’re come too easy to him, due to his wealth. He’s never struggled just to survive. (He’d rather flaunt his power to survive.) He flaunts his power to achieve his own dreams of having more power and therein lies the true danger in Donald Trump. His lack of moral values due to the fact that money and power are his bottom lines, drive his selfishness to serve him and no-one else. (I seriously doubt that he can even put his family before himself.) I don’t think he can put anyone before himself. His ego just won’t allow it.
Trump Poetry – A toast to the host who boasts the most just to gloat about his moat!

This President has already displayed his contempt for his foes which includes anyone who can claim to ever have been a Democrat or is actively investigating him. Well, he used to be a Democrat, before it was more convenient to be a Republican. What happened that changed him? See the Imagine post for a suspected occurrence that may have been implemented on this man unbeknownst to him. It’s a conspiracy theory of epic proportions. Almost as much as that of the Glucose Ruse. He’s shown that he can’t trust anyone who isn’t a Republican, and even then he has trouble trusting them. His ego demands all the evil that he can command, simply to protect itself. He’s shown and proven to be a paranoid, schizophrenic, pathological liar with a fourth-grade education, vocabulary, and mentality.

The longer he remains in Office
the more danger he poses.
The demise of democracy
bought by the advent of Trumpidiocracy
because you do, we now have no room
because you elected THE real ANTI-CHRIST
the one too many love yet who never sees the light
OR do I thank THE BUFFOON?
MUSHROOM CLOUD cloud or two, too soon
then it’ll be left up to you to room in the gloom


I know this doesn’t belong here,
but it’s assuredly something you need to fear,
that what you’re eating is not pure,
now, has come, your time for your cure.
These books all explain
why the President is out of his brain,
it has to do with his diet of grain
in the cheeseburgers, he eats to create all his pain.
This is something you need to read,
a story of something that’ll make you plead
for your food industry to give you what you need,
and that’s clean food that doesn’t make you bleed
any worse than you normally see
when you fight cancer or worse yet heart disease.
It’s the same with dementia it’ll take your life too
the best thing you can do is to read a book in blue;
Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
Full Details of Tainted Food:


The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.