This is the Warning that Gerrymandering Demands
The fake “Fake News” must learn that this president wasn’t elected by the people. He was elected by the electoral college, which has been pre-arranged to express the views of a select few on the right, all being controlled by an oligarch with a real fake news agency, who by habit create news they want to exist, whether it’s true or not. President Trump is the payback of gerrymandering that the Republicans are paying a dear price for. I really don’t think that they had any idea that this could have happened, but it did, and they have to deal with it.
As soon as they start to see the real truth, that they had elected a juvenile President, who’s never grown beyond the age of twelve, they’ll start to see the real danger he presents. We’ll get into why this is in a minute, but everyone needs to know that this mentality of juvenility, trying run a country is the one thing that links all terror in the hearts of almost all Americans. It’s his hatred of what he fears that’s driving our fears that he’s going to react to a crisis just like a 12 yr old boy would do, blab it all our to all your friends to boast of how you’re going to handle it, then have to back up those rash words because you haven’t learned how to take responsibility for what you mess up.
And that brings us to why he is like he is. HE’S NEVER HAD TO MAKE HIS BED, You can’t know how to clean up anything if you can’t clean up your own messes and this is a man who’s never made his own bed, let alone cleaned up any of his screw-ups. He’s always bought his way out of his screw-ups. But the stakes are different now, he’s bankrupting the Government to cover-up his latest screw-up, Russian involvement in an election that he just thought he won, and that’s what he’s afraid of, more than anything else, losing. That is a foreign language to the man and it’s expressed every time he does mess things up. He actually changes the outcome in his mind to where it wasn’t a screw-up. Too bad everyone else knows the truth except a dying few that still cling to the faint idea that there exists some amount of sanity in this President. If he can’t make his own bed, how’s he going to protect ours?
How can you expect someone that has never had to clean up his own refuse, to maintain a balance of ethical and reliable judgment that’s necessary to conduct oneself in the manner his Office deems necessary. I can tell you right now, from my own experience, it’s impossible, futile and completely imbecilic. It can’t be done, especially if the twelve yr old mentality belongs to a Septuagenarian, someone, stuck in their ways. Uh Oh…..
I know this because I’m afflicted with the same brain damage that the President has and it starts with his diet. (Mostly of Big Macs and Cheeseburgers, but it’s not the meat or cheese in the sandwiches that’s damaging his brain. It’s the bread.) I was raised on it, all my life, and I get to live with massive damage to my brain that was caused by the same thing plus a semi-severe bump on my head that damaged my Pre-Frontal Cortex, making me act almost exactly like this President acts, irrational. Read my story in any of the blue books, below.
I’ve learned to correct my damage to the best extent that I can, which I’ve detailed in my first book series, It’s Time for a Cure which now has 10 books in the series. All of these have been completed in the last four years since I changed my diet, five years ago.
This man craves only attention. Like a bad dog who can’t behave, he doesn’t care what kind of attention he gets, as long as he gets it. More than that, this man is dangerous because of his 12-year old mentality and his rash rushes to judge that which he knows little to nothing about.
This is the warning that gerrymandering demands of this deal;
We’ve got a “self-driving” President without a steering wheel
following his whims in whatever he feels.
His words are disparaging for everyone else,
but for us, they’re just embarrassing, we wish he’d leave it on his shelf.
How will history see this President? History will deem him to be the absolute most dishonest, deceiving, and despicable President we’ve ever elected. History will prove the true ignorance this man spouts and will show him to be the anti-christ. Everything he says and does prove this. The saddest part of this story is that most everyone knows this. He seems to be the only one who doesn’t. Donald Drumpf is not my President, nor yours if you’re a true Christian. Nor is Donald Trump. Neither one is a god to me and if he is to you, all I can do for you is to pity you. (But not like I pity him. I can’t pity him as he chooses to remain ignorant, rude and belligerent, simply because he’s never grown to adulthood, mentally.) He probably never will as he has no opportunity to. He’s never had an opportunity to grow. All of his opportunities that he’s had has only allowed him to stagnate because they’re come too easy to him, due to his wealth. He’s never struggled just to survive. (He’d rather flaunt his power to survive.) He flaunts his power to achieve his own dreams of having more power and therein lies the true danger in Donald Trump. His lack of moral values due to the fact that money and power are his bottom lines, drive his selfishness to serve him and no-one else. (I seriously doubt that he can even put his family before himself.) I don’t think he can put anyone before himself. His ego just won’t allow it.