God is not a rigid, sacrificial god.
I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe in a God that is rigid. My God is not rigid. Rigid is the antithesis of my God. I don’t believe in my God as much as I live through my God. God is not a He or a She as God is not any, one being. God is all beings, all life either in harmony or discord. God is forever changing along with life and the changing of man. As, man thinks, so thinks God. This idea that God is rigid and never changing, the God is the same today as it was 10,000 years ago or 2000 years ago, is not the faith the Christ taught me. Because I still believe in the Word, I still believe in what Christ taught. What Christ taught is for us to love one another as we love ourselves. I’d like to share how my God works to shape our lives.
Belief in a rigid God is the root of all religious strife. Most everyone who believes in God believes their God is rigid and never changes. This is how they base their whole set of beliefs, their isms wherever their faith takes them, whether they’re Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, or Muslim. Their God is a rigid God, One that never changes. That’s the God I used to worship. I believe in the Word, the Word of Christ. What I never realized is that Word is also my word. It’s also your word. It’s everybody’s word. That is what represents God at any one moment. It’s the thoughts and actions and consequences of every living being that comprise Life on earth. That is what God is. It’s the good thoughts along with the bad thoughts. This is how God shapes our future, with either thoughts of Love, the good thoughts or thoughts of hate, the bad thoughts. This is why God preached Love when God came as Jesus.
God is different today. God, in Jesus’ time, was a God of Hate throughout most of the world. But in the civilized parts, there were pockets of Love. These were the villages and towns. The people gathering together with common interests were and are the people who make up how God acts and reacts. Whether it is good or bad behavior, it’s Us working through God that influences how God operates and how God works. God works through either Love or Hate. Is the voice of your God that you hear a voice of Love or is it a voice of Hate? That, more than anything else dictates what your God is usually like, as God is different at different times. I hope you’re beginning to see, your God or god is your inner voice working to tell you how to act and react with each other through god (God). God is Us We work through our inner voices and how we influence each other. This is how God or god works. This is how We work through God or god.
God Changes as You Change
Growing up a Methodist, I was taught to believe in a Loving God and not a god of fear. A Loving God is an always changing God, as only a changing God can love without reservation. A god of fear cannot love since it can’t change. I god of fear is too worried about his own existence to be able to spare the time to worry about someone else. Worrying about someone else is a sign of love which shows weakness to a person in fear. This tells me that’s it’s impossible for a god of hate and fear to express anything close to love. His nature has never taught him anything about compassion and it’s compassion that is crucial for Love to exist. For compassion to exist, one needs an attitude with the ability to change what one knows to be true. What they often think they know as true. is often quite clouded and murky when one looks deeper. For compassion to present itself, one’s ideas of what they think they know must change, to see the real truth. This is where science and religion conflict when you believe in a rigid god of fear. There is no conflict with a God of Love when you consider this.
Therefore God is always moving. God is always changing because of this movement. That means that God is not rigid. God is forever changing just as life changes constantly and always. That is the forever in God. God is Us, All of Us, together and always changing to meet our needs. The only quality about God that remains the same is the right to life and respect. We add in the kindness to make that life easier, and that’s what modern religions try to do to the masses. However, they add in punishment for wrongdoers, thinking that, that will prevent the wrongdoing in the first place. The problem is, it doesn’t. They don’t understand why the wrongdoing happened in the first place because they’re blind to it because their God never changes. They try to solve today problems, with yesterday’s solutions, but their solutions are eons old. They’re old as civilization, dating to 2000 years ago, for Christians, 1400 Years for Muslims. 10,000 years for Hebrews (their Bible dates to 11 century BCE). That’s about how long each of these religions has existed, all out of the seed of Abraham. The God he Worshiped has become the God of these peoples. The very same God worshiped differently in every manner, except one, he is a rigid God.
They called the Hate God the devil in their time. We know now the Hate God isn’t the devil. It’s Us. We are God, so we get to take the responsibility for how our God lives and works within us. This is why we have to protect how we think and work through God. When we create fear, hate, and anger, it drives violence because the only way to fight fear is with anger. Too often it becomes too easy to turn that anger into antagonism and this is where the danger lies. We’re experiencing that now. God has all of a sudden turned into an angry god. (I refuse to capitalize the god of hate, as that isn’t the God of Love). I believe that God is supposed to be synonymous with Love. That means that God can’t mean hate. That means that hate has no place in God of Love.
Once all of these religions realize that God is not rigid, but moving, always moving and always changing, that changes Gods perspectives completely. No longer can we ASSUME what God is thinking. What God is thinking and thinking about is always changing, and that will never change. That means that God is forever changing to meet our new and different values and needs. That means that God is never the same God to everyone or everything, nor are God’s values and needs. As man’s needs and values change, Gods needs and values change also. How we shape that change only history will tell.
I know what you’re thinking, needs? Does God have needs? Uh…yeah. God has needs. The Bible says that God needs our love. That’s what the first commandment is, to God with all your heart and mind.” If God is all of us, doesn’t that mean, if we’re to love God, we’re to love everybody? Isn’t that what Jesus was trying to teach us, to love one another as if you love yourself? The point I’m trying to make is that God needs love and that means that we need love because we are God. The Bible says that exactly when it tells us what God name is. It is I AM. That means that I AM God. That also means that You are God along with everybody else.
As life changes, God changes along with it. God’s attitudes change because God is Life. Life forever changes so God forever changes. That changes everything. All of a sudden it’s OK to be gay or lesbian, bisexual or transsexual. It’s OK to be a different race. None of us are exactly alike as we have to accept the differences in others to be part of a God of Love. God accepts all and loves all. Accepts, is the key word here. If God accepts the differences in others, we accept it because we are God and we are always right, because God is always right. That points to your choices, it’s your choice to work through a God of Love or a god of hate.
God is testing us right now with a possible anti-christ in the oval office running the free world. An antichrist is a god of hate and our President used a god of hate to promote his candidacy. That makes him a being who uses a god of hate to achieve his goals. This is the definition of an antichrist, one who uses fear and hate to achieve goals of greed and power. This representation of what we see as God, right now, is full of hate and anger, and he uses that fear and hate, to drive the masses into frenzies of anger and antagonism. It’s the god of hate that could ruin this country…..and subsequently, the world.
There are those who say they believe in God but deep down inside, they really don’t. They think they do but they don’t display the traits of someone who truly follows God. They display the traits of someone who follows God, but only for convenience purposes. They want to believe in the idea of going to heaven because they’re afraid of death. They conveniently believe this fantasy to give them guidelines on how to treat each other, instead of treating each other like God asks us to. They need the reward-punishment cycle to end their life cycle because of their fear of the unknown. This fear is a direct result of spreading fear and anger throughout their lifetime. All they experience in dealing with God (dealing with everybody in general), is the manner in which they treat other people. Those who fear, treat people with fear. It’s what they know best. Often it’s the only manner in which they know how to treat each other. It’s this treatment of others that displays Gods works within all of us. Those who treat others with Love and Respect worship the God of Love. Those of treat others with hate and disdain, worship the god of hate. That gives Us the power to manifest how God is going to act and react to any situation. That gives us the power to be God. Hence We are God.
Once you realize that the unknown is the fullness of God and all God wants is love, you realize that the unknown is love, it’s a loving embrace of all those who have gone on before us, and when you look at death in that manner, in the same manner, that you treat everyone with during life, with love and respect, you discover that there really is nothing at all to fear. That’s because of what God needs. The only thing that God needs is our love. God needs it because we need it. The reason most fear death is because they fear, going to hell. Here’s a new flash; there is no hell except for what you make. That means that you make your own hell or heaven by the way you influence other people and the impact you’ve had within the workings of God, day in and day out. Working with a God of Love leads you to an afterlife of Love. Leading a life of fear, hate and anger is going to lead you to an afterlife of that same fear and hate that you professed your whole life long. What you do throughout your life dictates how your death will manifest itself after you die, so it’s your choice what you experience after you die. You can experience Love and all of Gods wonders, or you can experience fear and hate when you die. How you live your life, is what you experience in death. You can expect to see that “on the other side” after you die.
Yet too many old faiths hang on to the traditional reward and punishment cycle and they do this with a rigid God, one that never changes, not even from when man’s needs were far from what they are now. They do this to control the faith. That is not the way my God works. Instead of the faith controlling the people in my world, the people control the faith. Only in this way can God be forever changing and loving.
But today’s religions worship a rigid God, one that never changes, not even from when man’s needs were far from what they are now. Their rigid beliefs date back to the cradle of civilization, as they still believe strictly, every word in the Bible or Quran, or Torah tells them, about how their faith started and continued until today, never changing. This has led most foundational and Evangelistic faiths to believe in age-old customs and beliefs that were valid in their time, but they are, no longer. Time is the one thing that God can’t control. Time changes everything, as time represents life, forever changing. That means that God can’t control the change, only time can. That gives Time power over God because time always changes and makes God change.
If time is more powerful than God, should we worship time or should we just use it as wisely as possible? Maybe that’s the best way to worship God. That puts us in control of time, which in turn puts us in control of God. Finally, something that makes sense. That means, we can’t assume what God wants, as God is us. Saying what God wants is code for what that person wants. They just can’t take responsibility for saying it themselves, they have to say ‘it’s what God wants’, putting the responsibility on God and not themselves for their choice. That is one thing we individually have as God, as God has given us that right. It has to do with the right to live. To live you must make choices. Life is nothing but a string of choices, whether good or bad. That is the right to live, the right to make choices. It’s those choices we make as God, that are written about in the history books of the future. How one’s history is written is dictated by how they live their life. Did they live their lives through a God of Love or a God or a god of hate?
Hence, We are God. You, I, and everyone else in our world, We are All God. We make up what we want to see expressed in God. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s what we want. And because We are God, We know what God wants, whether good or bad. How we express our will, shows how we want our God to be, whether it’s a god of hate or a God of Love. We all live, love, hate, work and make choices through God(god) as God(god) is always moving through us influencing us to make our choices to do such. It’s always our choices that make up want God wants, whether we love it or hate it.
When I say that I’m God you may say that I blaspheme
but when I say that you’re God, do I still blaspheme, too?
If I am God, you are God. If we are God, are we not, All God?
Where does that put God?
In the midst of us? That’s where I would want god.
That does something else, that puts me in control of God, and how God speaks through me. That’s far more important than putting blind faith in a hidden God. So say I’m blasphemous, to say that you and I are God. Continue to believe in your hidden God, hoping that your prayers will change the world, which they eventually will, but you can enable God by being God in how you want God to be. That’s what changes the world.
I hear a lot of people blame God for inconveniences and pain in their lives, think that some supreme being, “has it in for them”, or wants to punish them. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Since we are God, God didn’t exist in this world before man did. Only turmoil and upheaval were part of this world for billions of years before life ever showed up in the water. So Man wasn’t made from the earth. He was made from the water. Evolution proves this.
Prior to our existence as man, we existed as apes, living in trees eating fruit. Before that, the earth went through billions of years of evolution. Our evolution to 6-7 million years just to come down out of the trees. Only in the last 10,000-20,000 years has God been influencing our lives. This points to the fact that God is a manifestation of Man. Man is not a manifestation of God because We are God or god, whichever we chose.
The exciting thing is our world is growing and that means that God is growing. What used to be our whole world 1,000s of years ago was minute compared to today world. We live in a much bigger world now. (Even though the size of the world hasn’t changed, our view of the world and our perspectives have changed. What we see now is much more than what we experience in the past.) Our world is forever growing. That is the definition of life. The right and ability to grow and as growth means life and life is really Love, that means that growth can only happen through Love. If you want to use fear, hate, and anger, don’t expect growth.
Will, we make God good, filled with love? Or will, we make god hate, full of fear and anger? Which God would you prefer? Would you rather have growth? Or would you rather have stagnation and death? God or god can only manifest their kind of world that we live in. I know which one I want. hate is driven by a carb diet. Love doesn’t have to be. All that means is that love is saner that fear, hate, and anger. Fear hate and anger are driven by cycles of hunger. Love is driven by cycles of life, of God itself.
As life changes, God changes. God’s attitudes change because God is Life. Life forever changes so God forever changes. That changes everything. Can you believe in a changing God? I do. My God accepts and loves everything and everybody, simply because everybody is God, whether filled with hate and fear or filled with love. The one filled with love is much better for your health and thus, much healthier for God and that’s why I choose a God of Love to live through. What kind of God do you live through?
I don’t believe in God. I Live through God as God lives through me because I am God, at least a part of God just like everybody else. I believe that was Christ’s Word that He was trying to spread 2000 years ago and that’s why I follow the Word.
The most important words I have for you
are right below in the books in blue
they can save your life if you follow through
with the vital info, I give, to you
they’ll save your body and brain too
by giving up all grain foods;

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
Extended Details of Tainted Food:
Full Details of Tainted Food: