The Poisoning, Selling, and Conning of America

The Poisoning, Selling, and Conning of America


Although this should be an article about how much our sugar and grain industry is poisoning America, it’s become apparent that I must make this article political. My survival may depend on it.

With all of the validation that a truly maniacal bully is getting in this campaign, I really didn’t want to make this website a political statement in this context, but with the ensuing campaign, it’s becoming apparent that I must (at least for the time being). I can’t afford for our country to go back to the destruction, degradation, and irresponsibility of government that’s taken place much of last 35 years, ever since the Reagan administration. Because I depend on my Social Security disability benefits to, live on, I have virtually no other enterprise except for my websites, to help me live. (And because of my brain injury, all of those are failures.) My life is dependent on what happens in this election. My disability is directly due to a drunk driver running a red light and hitting the car I was riding in, to put me in a coma for 4 weeks suffering, 2 strokes while in the coma. The paralyzation of my body taught me how to overcome problems that I never thought I would have to.

This election is an election between love and hate, more than anything else. If hate wins, we get an anti-christ for President, if love wins we get the most qualified candidate our nation has ever seen. This campaign has become a fight for America’s dignity, thanks to Donald Trump and Reince Priebus. Every question asked of either of these IPs (Ignorant Person) is spun to answer a completely different question, a question that diverts the point of the initial question asked. The greatest majority of us know why they prefer to do this. It’s because they have no answer that the majority of people will accept. Their choice is to spin rather than answer the question asked. This may have helped Donald T more in business than what it hurt him, but Donald doesn’t know what he needs to know here. It can’t work in public service. What has made Donald Trump successful in business is his drive to make money and nothing else?  He fails to realize that it can only help him in business and not politics.

Politics isn’t about making money. It about helping people. Donald Trump doesn’t know this. As far as he is concerned his drive for money is going to make him successful in politics. Donald needs to wake up. He needs to learn that this won’t work. He needs to change his tactics and approach to this election if he has any desire to win. Politics does not work, like a business. You have no stockholders to pay in government, your responsibility is to every person in the nation. It has nothing to do with you. And it has nothing to do with the acquisition of money. It has everything to do with who you are working for. Donald T. needs to learn that politics doesn’t work like a business. Business is concerned with profits. Government is concerned about the integration of the physical well being of every person, enterprise, and public service necessary to create and maintain a peaceful environment for a prosperous nation to grow and be safe. As good as DJT is at building towers, and making himself a TV star, he knows nothing about people except to treat them with disdain and contempt, when they don’t agree with him. That is no recipe for the leadership of the most powerful nation in the world.

I think he got his first taste of this after the first debate. Even though he couldn’t win any of them, the day after lost the first one, he mentioned that this was “Big League”. As soon as I heard him say that, my thought was “duh”. Of course, this is big league, Donald. It sounds like you didn’t expect it to be. Is that because of your opponent? She is a woman, which you love but, have little respect for. Your problem is that you can’t differentiate between the two of them when you open your mouth and talk. Somehow, you think that to like and adore is to respect. Guess what? It isn’t. You don’t respect anyone. The proof of this is how you can’t take criticism.

You would rather go on the offensive and blame the people for not electing you, claiming the whole election as being rigged. This is the definition of irresponsibility. This is also the definition of whining and crying, blaming someone else for your errors. Maybe you should grow up first. But then, irresponsibility goes with being a bully, doesn’t it? Bullying is for inferior people. Is that what you’re trying to show us, just how inferior you are? This is living proof that money is not everything and Donald Trump is a good representation of that living proof. The most troubling factor in this year’s election equation is the people he attracts. What does that say about them? These are good people that he’s corrupting. What they see is an election is between one candidate with questionable dignity against another candidate who has no dignity whatsoever, so nobody ever questions it.

Well done Donald.
You’ve proven how much of a bully you really are
and that you’ve never grown up into a man of any honor.

You’ve taught me that your code word “special interests” actually means the people. When you say that you won’t work for the “special interests”, you’re actually talking about everyday hardworking people, the very same people you’re talking to. You’ve taught me that all Republicans see “special interests’ as people and corporations as taxpayers. It’s clear to see now, with Republicans running for office, “special interests” are the interests of the people. Only the people are “special” enough to have their own interests. Now, when I hear that a candidate wants to work for the taxpayers, I know they’re talking about corporate America. When they talk about not working for special interests, that means they aren’t going to work for the people. I guess they’re too special to work for. Thank you for teaching me that.

The election was one candidate with a dignity that people question against another candidate who has no dignity whatsoever, so nobody ever questions it. His answers to questions are spun more than any other candidate’s answers ever in history. His use of the word “but ” is unprecedented. It’s his keyword that he uses to spin most all of his answers. Because of his excessive use of it, he now has all of is surrogates abusing it. It was an election between a candidate who people were persuaded to distrust and a candidate who is beyond trusting because he can’t trust anyone but himself. Which of these candidates has any dignity at all? Which of these candidates even wants their dignity to show? In Donald’s case, money can’t dignify his actions or speech. His drive to make money kills any dignity that could possibly exist. People may question HRC’s dignity but at least, she has the dignity to question.

Dignity for Sale

Trump seems to be doing his best to sell our dignity to the lowest bidder. He is, after all, a salesman more than anything else. But with all of his recent actions and disavowals of his past actions, he’s intent on proving his incompetence.  He’s already sold any dignity that he’s ever had. I’m sure he got far more than what it was worth. he’s selling our dignity by expecting us to believe his ever continuing lies and deceptions. By expecting us to believe him, he’s put our dignity up for sale.

I actually think that he grew up with a conduct disorder. Since these disorders weren’t even recognized prior to 1990, they would have never been recognized in his childhood. He did display a lot of aggressive behavior when he was young. It was this bad behavior that got him enrolled in the New York Military Academy. This is where he learned to be disciplined, so I can see where would explain this type of behavior with his type of childhood. His discipline is to make money to garner praise. He needs this because he was deprived of it when he was young and has focused his life on garnering this praise. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to garner this praise, so he is a bully. All bullies are bullies to increase their own self-worth, because they have little, to begin with. They need it to prove how strong they are. This is also why bullies can’t take criticism, it challenges self-worth, so Donald does the only thing he knows, he fights back. Goes on the offensive and starts to let his aggressive side through. This is the bully in Trump. His whole, spoiled childhood has led up to this point. It’s evidenced by the way he acts today. Everything he does displays this RAD disorder.

I actually think that he grew up with a conduct disorder. Since these disorders weren’t even recognized prior to 1990, they would have never been recognized in his childhood. He did display a lot of aggressive behavior when he was young. It was this bad behavior that got him enrolled in the New York Military Academy. This is where he learned to be disciplined, so I can see where would explain this type of behavior with his type of childhood. His discipline is to make money to garner praise. He needs this because he was deprived of it when he was young and has focused his life on garnering this praise. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to garner this praise, so he is a bully. All bullies are bullies to increase their own self-worth, because they have little, to begin with. They need it to prove how strong they are. This is also why bullies can’t take criticism, it challenges self-worth, so Donald does the only thing he knows, he fights back. Goes on the offensive and starts to let his aggressive side through. This is the bully in Trump.

This is scary. Presidents MUST be able to accept criticism. Donald needs to prove that he can. I don’t think he can. He’s 70 years old and set in his ways. Being a bully has always proven (to Donald) that it works. Unfortunately, Donald can’t look past his victories to see the end result to those victories. The end results, in too many cases, were Bankruptcies, which did nothing to help anyone except Donald.

Donald’s Favorite Tool – Bankruptcy

I’ve since learned that he’s used Bankruptcy as a tool in building his businesses. Six times he’s done this. What’s unfortunate is the fact that even though Donald can see what happens to other people when he does this, he doesn’t care. He can’t. That is not productive. Being ruthless is productive, being compassionate isn’t. His productivity requires that he be too involved with his own desires to be bothered by anyone else’s concerns. His corporation requires that he is ruthless, at least in his mind.  To Donald, ruthlessness is a requirement for success. (It has something to do with not wasting time because time is money.)

With Donald Trump’s lack of dignity right now, I can’t see him bringing back any dignity to America. His only concern seems to be with himself. Is this why he wants his family to be his entire cabinet? Are those the only people he trusts? If so, that means he has no faith in the anyone else, including the American people. When you don’t have faith you’re filled with either disinterest or contempt. I can see his contempt in his eyes, every time he speaks.


This brings me to another conclusion about Trump. Because he can trust no one other than his family, his actions themselves are not trustworthy. He subconsciously blames others for what he would do. This is a common ploy for bullies because they are so quick to blame anyone else for anything, the first thing that pops into the mind to blame someone for, is something they would personally do. I’ve seen this occur many times with many bullies and even though I’m not a trained psychologist I know human behavior. My experience and training as a master in the field of non-manipulative negotiations taught me human behavior. I know non-manipulative selling techniques, which Trump knows also. (I know that you should not use some of these techniques with other manipulative selling techniques.) Donald knows this also but doesn’t care. To him, it’s not important. What’s important is winning and nothing else. You see, to care means that you have to have ethics. Ethics, to Donald, are things that only get in the way.

A few questions I’d like to pose to Trump, a “job creator”, as you think you are. What good is a job when you don’t get paid? How many people do you claim to have put to work? Did all of them get paid?  How many didn’t, when you filed for bankruptcies six times? Isn’t this your MO for doing business? Another question about your surrogates, why are you intent on ruining their lives as well as yours and your family’s with your continuous lying? You force them to lie simply to back up yours. Why do you insist that each and every one of them lie for you as you lie to us? This is criminal behavior, at the very least. You’ve raised spinning to a new high. It’s now become acceptable for anyone to lie. As much as I want to thank you for this new challenge – to never know when someone is telling the truth – I’d rather not. I have enough trouble discerning when people are truthful with me right now, because of my injury.

Unfortunately, too many deplorables actually want to believe what they hear from you. The true deplorables are those who spread the message you’re trying to declare. They know as well as I that there is no message. Saying the country is in terrible shape is an opinion. It’s nowhere close to a fact. For you Donald in your world, it may be worse. How? I don’t know. But I can see that you’re doing what you can to convince everyone that what you profess, is true for everybody. For many remnants of the middle class, it’s still the case.

The credit for the bounce back in our economy is a clear indication that what Obama was doing was working, as this is left-over prosperity from his administration. The de-regulation that you’re proposing will bring about our next depression which looks like it will be much bigger than any of our previous recessions.

What they don’t want to recognize or remember that between the two periods of growth, the 90’s and up until recently, we had a Republican administration’s war that we had to pay for and another runup in the mortgage market that damn near broke our economy again. It was the inflation of property values in the late 80’s that lead to the S&L crisis in ’88 that lead to the recession of the early 90’s that Clinton brought us out of. The same thing happened again in 2008 when the banks lost their value from a Mortgage Meltdown.

More banks were affected this time, so the recession was quite worse. The recovery may have been slower, but it was steady, none the less.  It would be a cardinal sin to revert back to when Donald Trump considered times good. Those times for us weren’t so good. I live in a different world than Trump.

Fox News could do a lot by refusing to spin their news. Even Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone wouldn’t have spin except, for one thing, he opens his mouth. They can’t tell the truth. Their candidate won’t let them. Since nothing but lies come out of his mouth, everyone who defends his words has to spin their words as well. I hate to think about what his surrogates are going to do after he loses this election. They already have no validity in their word as they’re all proven liars, just like Trump. Because he doesn’t care about who he takes with him, he truly is running a scorched earth campaign. I’m sure this is something that most liberals are loving, watching Fox news go down the tubes along with Donald Trump. Could this have been his goal all along? Didn’t he use to be a Democrat before he switched to republican? As if Trump’s sex scandals weren’t enough, I’d rather not even talk about the sex scandals that surround O’Reilly and Roger Ailes. The longer this campaign goes on, the more Fox News continues to hang themselves along with their candidate.  How anyone can find them valid as a news source without bias after this election cycle, is far beyond my comprehension.

It’d be nice if MSNBC didn’t spin there’s so much either. But then, that may be impossible to do this election cycle. I’m astounded every day about what comes out of the mouth of Trump. Just when you think you’ve heard the absolute worst, you think you can hear, he tops it. He says something even more damning of his own character as if he doesn’t even care. This person whom I hesitate to call a man somehow seems to fall lower and lower into a deeper level of deplorable that’s yet to be seen even in his own sinking campaign making the name Trump synonymous with supreme idiocy. And he seems to keep sinking lower into his hole of deplorability. I wonder if he’s enjoying his murder of the Republican Party. Their complicity in this is in every time they defend this indefensible man. It amazes me at how many Republicans are so willing to hang themselves just by defending this joke of a candidate. Obviously, they can’t see how insane this whole episode is.

Just now, as I was listening to Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, about his take on the election, his support of Trump may be his downfall. He actually has the audacity to accuse HRC of what DJT is already guilty of, hoping she’ll also be found guilty. His statement about a possible indictment against HRC with nothing said about indictments that have already been made about DJT, could prove to be a huge benefit to his opponent.

That would prove to be true if he had an opponent. The Republican party skillfully crafted his congressional district to make it majority republican despite having a heavy democratic population in the city of Milwaukee, leaving their voices unheard. It’s easy to understand his boldness in defending DJT. He has no opposition. That only means that not everyone in his district is heard. He cares only for the alt-right voice, which is declining at an ever faster rate, all thanks to DJT.

Now Trump is condoning copying his abusive behavior as being right and respectable when his subordinates do so. This is the epitome of evil. This is exactly what an anti-christ would do, encourage deceit and lying from his own people.

The most troubling problem I have with Trump is his Russian alliances. Isn’t his current wife is Slovenian? Didn’t that use to be a Republic of the USSR when it was Yugoslavia? Isn’t his first wife Czechoslovakian? We all know that was in the USSR. Donald seems to have a love affair with women from eastern European Slavic states. Does this also mean that he’s influenced by these states as well? Is this where he’s getting his news from?

It’s no wonder where he gets his news from, as her source – I’m sure it comes from an eastern Europe source – and is heavily Russian influenced. Whether what they report is true or not, who knows. I’m sure he uses the source to please his current wife. He doesn’t care if it’s true as he doesn’t speak the truth. As far as he is concerned, the truth isn’t important. What’s important is creating animosity and a lot of it. He sees that as his only chance to win this election.

Probably the most discouraging thing I see is what Trump has taught his republican subordinates to do. They whine and cry like a baby just like he does when things don’t go their way. One of his biggest supporters happens to be the county sheriff where I live, who is being prosecuted for contempt of court for refusing to follow court orders to cease their questionable raids on businesses with illegal aliens working there. Now, Joe Arpaio is whining because he, like Donald Trump, thinks that the media and the public are picking on him. He, like Trump, can’t take responsibility for their own actions and instead, complain about everyone else’s actions, when they should be looking inward to their own faults that have brought on their persecution.


Trump Poetry – A toast to the host who boasts the most just to gloat about his moat.

Now that Trump is claiming election fraud, he’s actually created it. Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa. Thank you, Trump. It is happening, but thanks to you. I guess it’s true, what you bitch about comes about. Thank you for your bitching and your deception of voter fraud, you actually started it, well done! Donald. You truly a master of disaster. (and that’s coming from an old republican)

Post Election

Donald was right. There was voter fraud. It probably came from Russia. That’s the only way he could have won. Nobody with that much disrespect can be  President and if you think DJT will be a good or even fair one, think again. We now have an anti-christ in office. Look out world! America’s been conned. Donald has proven himself to be the biggest con artist the world has ever seen. Not even PT Barnum served as president. Now we have someone even lower on the rung, than a carny barker. Congratulations America. You either gave us an extreme dictator or an anarchist. That brings the question of the year; How will Donald rule? Uncaring and civilized or extremely maniacal as he usually does? Only Donald knows and that’s where our fear lies for that’s poison for the U.S. Until we know, America’s still being poisoned.

Russia stole this election from HRC. Their parliament was the ONLY group of people watching the results that weren’t shocked. They were elated, as though they had just won a grand prize. Nobody else in the world acted in that manner. Their efforts in suppressing Hillary’s chances were successful, at the cost of our freedom.
We now get to live with the most antagonistic candidate that’s run for the office in the last 100 years. He is actually despised by more people, nationally and internationally,  than any candidate in our history. Russia is tickled pink about this.
Looking at his picture with the President, he looks like a little boy. A surprised little boy that just opened the best Christmas present he’s ever gotten. He didn’t expect this to be happening and worse yet, he isn’t prepared for it. He doesn’t prepare for anything. If he runs his office like he ran his campaign, it will be an angry administration, probably the angriest this country has ever seen. Thank you, Russia.
America has been trumped by Russia, bigtime. He didn’t win this election. He didn’t expect to, along with the rest of the country. This election was given to him by the Russians. They’re rejoicing over the results and their rejoicing is proof that they succeeded.
No emails of his were exposed. I wonder what those would have shown. We already know what he talks about in private, what else does he do? If you’re as scared as I am, please share your thoughts.
Now Bill O’Reilly is trying to quell his display of anger by trying to tell us to say please. Is this a joke? Do you Bill expect us to do as you say and not as you do?
don’t you know that actions speak much louder than words? Please teach that to our President-elect, it seems that that’s something he needs to learn as he relies far too much on his words and thinks nothing about his actions. That is a dangerous combination.
Bill, please wake up out of your ignorance and show us the person you think you are, not the one you show you are.

 By the way, if you’re interested in the real poisoning of America, you can find out about it at Save Our Dignity because it is happening. And it’s happening to you right now, under your nose!

Basic Warning of Tainted Food:
state of the union address E Book edition
The original story of tainted food designed to make and keep you sick to need more medication.
The full color edition of tainted food
color edition of your only warning of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick forcing your need for medication.
Basic black and white text of warnings for state of the union address
Your most basic warning of tainted food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and sick to force you into need drugs to counteract your pain.

Extended Details of Tainted Food:
tainted food story for state of the union address
The full-color story of food that’s engineered to keep you hungry and make you sick by the chemicals that all grain crops are doused in throughout their life cycle.
E book edition state of the union
The story of tainted food that’s been engineered over the last 50 years to cause more destruction to your body, requiring you to need more medications. All done for the sake of profit.
state of the union black and white edition
Black and white edition of tainted food story. Food that’s intentionally engineered to make and keep you hungry and make and keep you sick and in pain, forcing your need for medication. This is the Glucose Ruse

Full Details of Tainted Food:
E book Edition

The complete story of tainted food engineered to make and keep you hungry for the sole purpose of profit.
black and white edidtion
Full details of tainted intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for medication. This book contains the answers to almost all the problems we face today, from the opioid epidemic to every major disease.
Full color edition
The Full-color version of the tale of tainted food, intentionally made to keep you hungry and sick, forcing your need for pain medication. This book has the answer to cancer, heart disease, opioid epidemic